Most women Opt for closures and frontals because they feel that they cannot blend their natural hair type with their extensions. For the women (like myself) who lives for a natural install with leave-out, I have the perfect cocktail of products to ensure you don’t have to fry your natural hair with extra heat just to get “laid” results. Below is a list of my all time favorite and must have products that gives me a flawless blend with every install.
Heat Protectant
The first step before using heat on your natural hair is to apply a heat protectant spray. This will help reduce heat damage by evening out how the hair heats up when heat is applied.

“Slick Stick”
Next you’ll want to get a wax stick or what many call a “slick stick”. A slick stick is composed of mainly wax with added oils for nutrients. It can be used to tame fly-away hairs after you have straightened it but my favorite way to use it is to apply before I use heat. While my hair is in its natural dry state, I part a small section of hair that will lay over the track, apply the slick stick to the root ONLY, and then use the chase method to straighten the small section of hair. When using a wax stick be sure not to apply too much because since it contains oils it can leave the hair oily and still or transfer to the extensions and weigh the hair down.

Pressing Comb
Next, one of my favorite hot tools to use on my natural hair clients and myself when taming leave-out is a pressing comb. After applying wax to the roots of the hair I use the pressing comb to straighten the roots of the hair. I don’t go past the roots because you will need to use the flat iron and chasing method to straighten the length of the hair. I recommend electric pressing combs over stove pressing combs because you can control the temperature of an electric comb. If you use a non-electric hot comb I recommend having a paper towel or white cloth towel to test the temperature on. If the paper towel turns brown (burns) its too hot for you or your clients hair and you will need to allow it to cool before applying heat.

Hot tool of choice
Next you are going to need a hot tool. Choosing the right hot tools are important because it will determine the results you get. It's best to invest in quality hot tools that allows you to achieve great results with one pass. If you have to put a lot of heat on your hair then you will damage your leave-out and cause breakage. Your hot tool should depend on your desired style. You will certainly need a Flat iron to start which can be used for almost any desired style except wand curls. Although you can achieve curls with a flat iron, I personally prefer curling with a curling iron for curls that have luster and shine. If you choose to curl your extensions I would recommend after one pass through your natural leave-out with the flat iron, curl the leave out with the top track of your extensions so you hair can falls right into the curls. Keep in mind that if you choose to style your hair in wand curls that the wand gets very hot and can be extremely damaging to your hair. When wand curling your natural hair you should NOT leave the wand on your natural hair as long as you would your extensions.

G2B Freeze spray
This product is optional and can be replaced with hair spray if you have a hair spray that you prefer. After I have laid my hair in place how and where I want it, I spray my Comb and comb my hair in place where I want it to lay. You can also spray a small amount in your hand and rub the top of your leave out. This will tame fly-aways and ensure that your hair doesn’t swell in humid weather. For some of us naturals the problem isn’t getting the hair to lay down but getting the hair to stay down if you know what I mean.

Edge Control
This last step is optional. I prefer my ages to look natural rather than slick but for my baby hair babies, you need a good edge control to achieve the baby swoops that will stay all day. Different edge controls work differently on different hair types and textures. One that I have found to be universal is the Paul mitchell flexible style. While its a bit on the pricey side, it has proven to be one of the best products I’ve used on my edges and a little goes a long way. It lasts for at least 2-3 days before I have to reapply and I love it. You can use any edge control that works for you but if you haven’t found one that works, I highly recommend this product.

If you apply all of my tips and tricks I guarantee your leave out will be laid with little to no heat damage. These tips will ensure you don’t have to use heat on you hair daily to train your natural hair. Let me know if these tips worked for you :)