Why isn’t my hair growing?
Most women desire to have long, thick, growing hair. I have many clients who sit in my chair that believes that their hair just won’t grow past a certain point. For women who have a hair plateau or a certain point that their hair stops growing (shoulder length for most clients), There is science behind why your hair can’t retain length past that point. The reality is that everyone hair is always growing. Some women have faster growing hair but retaining that length is the key. So, sorry for the clickbait but this is more about retaining length than it is “growing your hair”. Either way if you follow these tips your hair will be flourishing in no time!
Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!!!
Almost every person who has issues with hair growth or length retention (not due to medical issues) has dry hair. Moisturized strands has more flexibility and brittle hair snaps. A great way to moisturize your hair is by deep conditioning. Understanding your hair’s porosity will help you understand just how much harder you need to work to ensure your strands get the moisture they need. If you find it hard to get moisture into your strands try using a hair steamer or add a cap over your conditioner and sit under a dryer.
Co-washing is a great way to clean the hair without completely stripping the hair of its natural oils. Shampoo is intended to clarify you hair and scalp and can be drying if used too often. Its best to find products that your hair loves and stick with them. It's also important to know that moisturizing Is not just about external products, but also nourishing from the inside out. You have to consume enough water to help give your hair the moisture it needs. Along with moisturizing its imperative that you understand the science behind your hair’s growth cycle.

Your hair has 4 stages of hair growth. The anagen phase is the “growing phase” which typically lasts 3-5 years in this phase your hair is growing and won’t stop unless it is cut or reaches the end of its lifespan. Next is the catagen phase known as the “transition phase” which hair follicles shrink and hair growth slows. This phase lasts about 10 days before moving into the Telogen or “Resting“ phase. Hairs don’t grow during the this phase, but typically they don’t fall out during this phase either. 10 to 15 percent of your hair is in this phase. Last is the Exogen phase also known as the “Shedding” phase which lasts about 2 to 5 months. During this time old hairs fall out and new ones come in. Although you have all four stages naturally there are things that can disrupt the natural cycle of the hair Strands.
Protective styling
The less you manipulate your hair the less shedding and breakage you will have. Not only do protective styles look amazing but protective styling allows you to put your hair away in a way that causes no tension to the hair and allows it to rest without being touched. The best protective styles allows you access to your scalp and allows you to moisturize the hair without being completely exposed. My favorite protective styles that I offer to my clients are braids and wigs that can be worn on and off. It's important to remember that you need to switch up your protective styles so that the same strands are not experiencing tension or stress in the same way.

No Heat
Using too much heat causes the hair to become dry and brittle. Since we know moisture is the key to retaining length, we want to be sure we are eliminating anything that causes our strands to dry out. Even if you use heat protectant you will experience loosening of your natural curls. If you desire styles that requires heat I would suggest purchasing hair extensions to change up your look.
Healthy Regimen
You must develop a regime that works for you. A healthy hair regime goes beyond the products you purchase and the order that you use them. It's also about the time between washes, hot oil treatments, moisture sessions, and protective styles. It about your diet and nourishing from the inside out. It's about consistency in your routine. Most importantly it's about being determined to nurture your hair back to health and having patience to see it through. Design a regime that works for you and stick with it! Following these Tips and tricks can help you retain length and grow a crown that you can be proud of!